A talk by Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G.
When an industry shrinks to such an extent that a large number of those living on it can no longer hope to derive their subsistence from it, such measures as unemployment pay and Poor Law relief can be no more than palliatives. The real solution is to be found rather in the work of the Industrial Transference Board, which was established by the Government a year ago, for the purpose of facilitating the transfer of workers, and in particular of miners, for whom opportunities of employment, in their own districts or occupation were no longer available. Sir John Cadman was one of the three members of this Board, which visited various mining areas and in their report (presented last June) described the hardship and suffering which long-continued unemployment had brought upon their populations, and affirmed their belief that only in transference to other areas lay any real hope for many of those now unemployed.