Order of Service
The King of love my shepherd is
(C.E. Hymnal 35 ; A. and M. 197 ; S.P. 654 ; Rv. C.H. 438)
Lesson: Psalm xxiii Prayer
For Christ and the Church (C.E.
Hymnal 385)
Address by the Rev. Geoffrey R. King
Just as I am (C.E. Hymnal 238 ;
A. and M. 255 ; S.P. 253 ; Rv. C.H. 411)
The Christian Endeavour Mizpah Benediction
On February 2, 1881, the Rev. Francis E. Clark a young American minister, formed the first Young People's Society of Christian Endeavour. The objects of the society were to promote a strong Christian life among its members, to increase their mutual acquaintance, and to make them more useful in the service of God. The first British Society was formed in 1887 at Crewe.