With Susan Sharpe.
1.00 Birmingham
Lunchtime Concert
From Studio One, I Pebble Mill.
Endellion Quartet
Haydn String Quartet in B flat, Op 76 No 4 (Sunrise) Shostakovich String Quartet No 7
Hindemith The Overture to
"The Flying Dutchman' as sight-read by a bad spa band at 7am at the spring FREE TICKETS: Phone (0121) [number removed]
2.00 Schools
Together 2.20 Time and Tune 2.40 Drama
3.00 Midweek Choice
With Susan Sharpe. (0171) [number removed]
Ring in by lunchtime for a chance to hear your request today. Including
Procaccioll Riflessi
Benjamin Britten Vocal Ensemble/Nicole Corti Mozart Violin Sonata in E flat (K481)
Frank Peter Zimmerman
Alexander Lonquich (piano) Producer Susan Kenyon Discs WRITTEN REQUESTS:
Midweek Choice, BBC Radio 3, Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA
Fax: (0171) [number removed]
4.00 Choral Evensong I From Exeter I Cathedral.
Introit: I will lift up mine eyes (Ledger)
Responses (Shephard) Psalms 149 and 150 (Alcock, Goodenough)
First Lesson: Ezekiel 36, wl-5
Canticles: Stanford in A
Second Lesson: Matthew
27, w 27-44
Anthem: Give unto the Lord
Hymn: 0 worship the King (Hanover)
Organ voluntary: Allegro maestoso (Sonata in G, Op 28) (Elgar)
Organist and Master of the Choristers Lucian
Assistant organist Paul Morgan.