by David Weir
[Starring] Robert Hardy, Ray Barrett, Geoffrey Keen, Philip Latham, Jayne Sofiano
Guest stars, Esmond Knight, Dora Reisser
Brian Stead, Peter Thornton, Alec Stewart, Willy Izard - all are back at work in the Mogul empire. They are joined by a glamorous new girl, Dr. Ginny Vickers, played by Jayne Sofiano, Stewart's personal assistant. 'She's sort of my Peter Thornton,' says Stewart.
There are also other new faces which will be seen again during the series, notably the exciting Mrs. Foss, played by Dora Reisser, Bill Douglas - Zenith's troubleshooter - played by Bruce Boa, and Zenith president Harry Mayne, played by Bernard Hepton.
In tonight's story, Zenith drop a bombshell into the world of Mogul. The repercussions will influence the company for a long time to come.
See colour feature on page 32