sung by MAY BLYTH (soprano)
Der Mondabend Am Flusse
Der Liebende
Sängers Morgenlied Die Sterne
Vergebliche Liebe
Das Sehnen
Die Liebe
Der Sänger
The year 1815 was a period of great creative activity for Schubert, who was then eighteen years of age. Despite the fact that he was assistant master in his father's school, he found time to complete his Second Symphony in B flat, to compose the whole of the Symphony No. 3 in D, to begin his Piano Sonata No. i in E flat (unfinished), to compose the String Quartet in G minor, two masses, four operatic works, numerous small choral works and piano pieces, and finally 144 songs. At least twenty of these songs, including such things as 'Der Erlkonig 'An die Nachtigall ',
' Die Mondnacht ', are among the finest of his efforts in this direction.
Further programmes in this series will be broadcast as follows : Monday (Regional, 9.45), Tuesday (National,
6.25), Wednesday (Regional, 8.0), Thursday (National, 10.20).