An appeal on behalf of ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL, by Lord HORDER, K.C.V.O.
A wonderful history lies behind the name of ' Bart's ', a history of service to the sick and needy for over
800 years. This great hospital was established on the present site in A.D. 1123. Since those days it has been so enlarged that now there are 712 beds, into which 11,000 in-patients are admitted each year, while there are nearly 500,000 outpatient attendances. These patients pay no fees. The small voluntary contributions which some are able to make cover but a fraction of the cost.
The hospital has been .rebuilt and modernised many times. The latest development is a new medical block of 250 beds, now approaching completion, which will cost over £150,000.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to The Lord Horder, K.C.V.O., [address removed]