- - - On the road!
This month's programme comes live from the British Telecom Research Laboratory at Martlesham Heath, near Ipswich.
Ian McNaught-Davis looks at some of the latest developments in telecommunications, and talks to John Alvey ,
Chairman of the Alvey Committee and Engineer-in-Chief for BT. American reporter Freff
Joins in from New York on a new 'teleconference' system, and he has the latest micro news from America.
And Lesley Judd and John Coll report from the recent Which? Computer show in Birmingham.
"oducer PATRICK TITLEY wries producer DAVID ALLEN
Programme notes are available on Ceefax page 700 on the Micro Live Bulletin Board - [number removed], 300 baud; on the Micronet pages on Prestel; on Telecom Gold - type INFO BBC3; or from [address removed] (please enclose sae and SOp cheque/PO) 0 HELPLINES: page 77