For Older Children
Alec Clunes in ' The Island of Sheep 'by John Buchan
Adapted as a serial play in six parts by Felix Felton
2—' Haraldsen's Son '
Produced by David Davis
(Alec Clunes and Avice Landone are appearing in ' The Facts of Life' at the Duke of York's Theatre, London)
Last week you heard bow Richard Hannay's old friend Sandy Arburhnot for Lord Clanroyden, as he now is) came to stay, and brought with him a tablet of green iade that he had picked up in a iunk shop in Peking. It was covered w:th h eroglyphics that they could not decipher, but there was also a Latin inscription showing that it had belonged to an old Danish treasure-hunter called Haraldsen The inscription sad that he was on the point of death and that he had found his treasure. Seeing thar iade tablet took Hannay back to an excitingadvetures he once had in Rhodesia, when this Mine man Haraldsen had been attacked by enemies in a lonely native village. Hannay and a fnend called Lombard had come to his rescue, and af'er a pitched battle the natives had come in on their side and they had won the day. And then Hjnnay remembered how Old Haraldsen, looking like something out of one of his own Danish sagas, had stood on top of a hill and made them swear a solemn oath.
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Patrick Hamilton