'Life and Work'—
' Iron from the Shores of Lake Superior' C. D. FORDE , Ph.D., F.R.G.S. (Professor of Geography and Anthropology in the University of Wales)
On Tuesday Professor C. D. Forde was talking to you about the Indian herds-men of the Colorado plateaux. Today he is to talk to you about iron from the southern shores of Lake Superior, a tongue of typically East - Canadian country in Wisconsin, United States. He will tell you of metals in the roots of ancient mountains ; of bare rock, sandy soil, and thousands of lakes, the legacy of the glaciers. He will tell you how ore is worked there today ; of hills of ore scooped away with steam shovels ; of giant, man-made craters. He will describe the life of the mining towns and the ore ports on Lake Superior, and the docks at Duluth, a small city doiny big business in iron, wheat, and coal.