A time when all join in the singing of favourite hymns and sacred songs
The Choir and Congregation of THE CENTRAL HALL METHODIST
MISSION. BRISTOL, conducted by F. A. WILSHIRE , will lead the singing of :—
Ten thousand times ten thousand
(M.H.B. 828 ; A. and M. 222)
The Head that once was crowned with thorns (M.H.B. 244 ; A. and M. 301)
When I survey the wondrous Cross
(M.H.B. 182 ; A. and M. 108)
For ever with the Lord (M.H.B. 658;
A. and M. 231)
Hark ! Hark my soul! (M.H.B. 651;
A. and M., 223)
Organist, A. J. BAKER
Comments on the Hymns and Tunes will be given by F. A. Wilshire
From the Central Hall, Bristol