A year ago Gypsy Petulengro, broadcasting in ' In Town Tonight ', created a sensation. This talk is given by request. :
He traces the history of his Romany descent, and claims to be the son of Borrow's, immortal 'Mr. Petulengro '. In his young days, like other chavis or children, 'he was taught a trade-first peg-making, then the making of whips from rushes, then the making of flowers from the pith of rushes or from turnips and swedes. He learnt tinkering, and still makes brooches and so forth out of wire.
He tells of the gypsy's cunning in making things so as to avoid a peddling licence. Then grist is brought to the mill in the blackberry and mushroom seasons ; and the Romanys are both lace-makers and net-makers. He describes a Romany way of catching a rabbit.
Romany marriage rites, camping-places, the patteran, curses and charms, the burning of the caravan after the death of its owner, herbs for ailments-all these come into this fascinating talk.