Appeal on behalf of the Officers' Families Fund by Lieutenant-General Sir Brian Horrocks, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Officers' Families Fund was founded in 1899 to give financial help and advice on all personal problems to the widows and dependants of officers of the Royal Navy and the Army killed in action or where death was attributable to service. Grants are made to relieve temporary financial distress; to help with the cost of education and training; and, when possible, to augment the incomes of elderly widows who have only their pensions. Occasionally, temporary assistance can be considered for the dependants of serving officers should they be in special difficulties.
Unfortunately applications show no sign of decreasing, and expenditure greatly exceeds income. The Fund depends entirely on voluntary contributions, and subscriptions are urgently needed.