Script by Lesley Wilson
Repeated on Tuesday at 11.15 a.m. Produced by Betty Davies and Eileen Cullen
Mrs. Dale writes:
When I told Henry Mrs. Mountford was threatening to change her will he surprised me by saying that he and Joyce might make a home for her! It was a great relief to get Mrs. Mountford out of the house; and Jim actually agreed to have central heating — until Flora arrived with a terrible story about the central heating at King's Acre. Alec told me Miriam is coming home-I hope that puts paid to his outings with Louise
Mrs. Dale, Ellis Powell ; Dr. Dale, James Dale ; Mrs. Freeman, Dorothy Lane ; Sally Fulton , Margaret Ward ; Sue Douglas , Valerie Kirkbright ; Bob Dale , Leslie Heritage; Jenny Dale , Julia Brad -dock; Airs. Maggs, Grace Allardyce ; Maggt, Jack Howarth ; Miriam Dale , Brenda Dunrich ; Carlton Dale , Glyn Dearman ; Gtven Owen , Aline Waites ; David Owen , Robin Lloyd ; Mr. Owen, Kenneth Evans ; Mrs. Owen, Hilda Bayley ; Ivor Mitchell , Peter Tuddenham ; Louise Harrison , Gretel Davis ; Pat, Jon Rollason ; Elsie Freeman , Betty Hardy ; Vivien Farrell , Judith Fellows ; Mr. O'Malley, Will Leighton ; Percy Rees -Mostyn, John Rye