'Because of the Bill now be enacted, perhaps a million human beings will be allowed to live in greater peace.' (LORD ARRAN, House of Lords. 1967)
In 1967 the Sexual Offences Act freed male homosexuals over 21 in England and Wales from the threat of criminal prosecution for homosexual acts in private.
Linda Blandford hears from homosexuals about their lives, themselves. their feelings about their sexuality and about society's attitudes towards them.
Leo Abse. mp, Lerd Arran and Lord Wslfenden, the men responsible for the law reform. talk about what they hoped to achieve and how they view the results of their efforts; Kenneth Williams discusses the homosexual as a figure of fun: and the Rt Rev John Yates. Bishop of Whitby. talks about homosexuality and the Church.
Producer JENNY DE YONG (Birmitighani)