2/5. Our Friends in the North.
Donald Macleod 's continues his journey through nearly 200 years of German music in Halle and Hamburg to discover the early exponents of the North German organ tradition.
Scheidt Modus Ludendi Pleno Organo Pedaliter Georges Guillard (organ)
Weh, Windgen, Weh Franz Raml (harpsichord)
Canzon a 5 super 0 Nachbar Roland Musica Dolce Schein Siehe, nach Trost war mir sehr bange European Vocal Ensemble, director Philippe Herreweghe
Jacob Praetorius Was kann uns kommen an fur not Philip Swanton (organ)
Hieronymus Praetorius Sanctus; Agnus Dei
(Missa super Angelus ad Pastores) Capella Sancti Michaelis , Ricercar Consort , director Erik van Nevel Scheidemann Vater unser im Himmelreich
Julia Brown (organ) Repeated on Monday at 12 midnight