A recital broadcast direct from the Freemasons'
Hall. Edinburgh
Zoitan Kocsis (piano)
Chopin Polonaise in c sharp minor; Polonaise in A (Military); Two Waltzes; Ballade No 4, in F minor
Wagner, transc Kocsis Prelude (Tristan und Isolde)
Wagner, transc Liszt Liebestod (Tristan und Isolde)
11.45* Festival Comment
Performers, critics and personalities in Edinburgh this week have their say about the Festival. The final edition, presented by ELAINE PADMORE
12.0* Edinburgh International Festival 1978 Part 2 Bartok
Fifteen Hungarian Peasant Songs; Six Romanian Folk Dances; Allegro barbaro; Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Op 20 BBC Scotland followed by an interlude