An original radio play by Patrick Hamilton
Time, The Present
Listeners will remember the name of Patrick Hamilton as that of the author of Rope, one of the finest thrillers ever seen on the stage or heard on the air.
Radio is the only medium that could do this new play full justice. Most of the action takes place in a car that is being driven at breakneck speed by a typical 'car cad', the sort that everybody has known and hated, a man who drives while intoxicated and cares not a hoot for anybody or anything else on the road. The characters are all only too true to life, the situation is tense, terrifying...
One gets the impression that the author, who has himself been the innocent victim of a wanton car-crash, must have written the play in a white heat of righteous anger.
Whether you drive a car or not, you will find this play concerns you most closely. For you are part of the public, and with people like 'Cole' about the public is always in danger.