direct from
Southwark Cathedral
Introit: Hail glorious spirits (Tye)
Responses (Ayleward)
Psalms 59, 60, 61 (Barnby, Stainer, Lloyd)
First lesson: Isaiah 42, vv 5-12 (NEB)
Office hymn: The eternal gifts of Christ the King (NEH 213) Canticles: Second Service (Gibbons)
Second lesson: Acts 9, vv 26-31 (NEB)
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith (Bullock)
Hymn: Let our choir new anthems raise (NEH 219)
Organ voluntary: Sonata in G (fourth movement) (Elgar)
Organist and Director of Music HARRY BRAMMA
Assistant organist ANDREW LUMSDEN