by Fr. Rolfe (Baron Corvo) Adapted by Rayner Heppenstall Produced by Douglas Cleverdon GEORGE ARTHUR ROSE. later Pope Hadrian
VII (Max Adrian): WILLIAM II, the German Emperor (Felix Felton); Victor EMMANUEL III, King of Italy (Heron Carvie); JERRY Sant, a radical demagogue (Simon Lack);
MRS. CROWE (Marjorie Weslbury); COURT-LFIGH, Cardinal-Archbishop of Pimlico (Arthur Ridley); Talacryn, Bishop of Cacrleon (JohnGIynJones)PANCIERA,
Italian Ambassador to the Court of St.
Italian Ambassador to the Court of St. James's (Ian Sadler): CARDINALS RAGNA, MUNDO, and DELLA VOLTA (Geoffrey Win-colt, Datid Bird, and Harold Reese)