Written and arranged by Mungo Dewar
Come and join the 'Funny Men' aboard H.M.S. St. George, not forgetting Shorty, Lofty, Pincher, Nobby, the Sergeant, and the Ship's Band
The BBC Male Voice Chorus and the BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell
Chorus arrangements by Doris Arnold.
Orchestrations by Wally Wallond
Produced by the 'Old Salt', Harry S. Pepper
Because Mungo Dewar is an ex-Naval man, served during the last war on the North Atlantic Patrol, learned a sailor's love for a melody, old and new, and met the originals of Shorty and Lofty, and of most of the other characters who appear in Eight Bells, this jolly, rollicking show exudes the genuine atmosphere of a happy ship.
It was broadcast three times to Northern Ireland in 1932, and first appeared in the National programmes on April 16, three years later. That night Studio BA positively smelt of the briny, with the company dressed up in sailor hats, and the producer, Harry S. Pepper, resplendent in a captain's.
It is not surprising that Styx Gibling - the brilliant drummer of the BBC Variety Orchestra - is so good as Telegraphist William Jenkins, for he served in the Navy as a wireless operator from 1916 to 1923.