A story of murder and time-travel written for radio by Charles Eric Maine
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by George Herbert , John Oazabon Ian Sadler T.St. John Barry
Produced by Archie Campbell
Dr. Elvaston, senior physicist at the Tele-sonic Corporation Laboratory, New York, is secretly investigating the possibilities of time-travel. When he succeeds in projecting himself some four hundred years into the future, his assistant, John Breen, destroys the time-projection equipment, leaving Elvaston stranded in a remote future. Is Dr. Elvaston effectively dead or does the fact that he may be alive at some future date constitute a valid defence? This is the issue which faces the court when Breen is charged with the murder of Elvaston.
The situation becomes even more complicated when Dr. Elvaston is arrested by the security police of four hundred years hence and sentenced to death on a charge of illegal immigration via the Einstein Highway.