with Helen Hill.
Helen Hill—taking the place of Tessa Deane, who will be returning to Falkman and his Apache Band when her tour with Balalaika is finished— has broadcast in no fewer than five 'Radio Pies'. For the last two summers she has been with the 'West-End Vanities', the popular concert party run by her husband, Frank Wilcock, and Robert Rutherford, and was heard on the air with them last December. Helen Hill made a hit with ' I Walk Beside You ' in a recent broadcast, 'Radio Pie', and she will be heard on the air with Charles Ernesco tomorrow. She will be broadcasting again with Falkman on January 28.
Barbarina - Oltoni
Ritorno - Blanco
Jewish Wedding - Michaeloff
Beautiful Venice - Alex
Italian Street Song - Victor Herbert
In the Gloaming - Lady Arthur Hill
Quand on aime on a toujours vingt ans (You never feel more than twenty when you're in love) - Moretti
Fernanda - Rodi
Let me whisper - Gasparre
Funchal - Maraziti