For Younger Listeners
Fenella tells
' The Moon is a Beautiful Cheese '
A serial story in six parts by Alexandra Mara 3
—' Fireworks 'followed by ' The Just So Stories ' by Rudyard Kipling
Adapted for broadcasting by Maurice Brown
2 — ' The Butterfly that Stamped ' and Production by Josephine Plummer
'This, 0 my Best Beloved, is a story-a new and a wonderful story-a story quite d fferent from the o-her stories— a story abou.t the Most Wise Sovereign Suleiman-bin-Daoud — Solomon, the Son of David. There are three hundred and fifty-five stories about Sule man-bin-Daoud; but this is not one of them. It is not the story about the Lapwing who found the Water; or rhe Hoopoe who shaded Sulei-. man-bin-Daoud from the heat. It is no: the story of the Glass Pavement or the Ruby with the Crooked Hole, or the Gold Bars of Balkis. It is the story of the Butterfly that stamped.'