Half a million people stopped smoking when So You Want to Stop Smoking was shown last year. Were you one of them? Did you 'stay stopped'? Or are you still struggling?
Dr Miriam Stoppard finds out how the four ' stoppers' coped over the last year, and hears from viewers about their own successes and failures. Sir Robin Day , who smoked 20 cigarettes and 20 small cigars every day. tells how he stopped and what happened. Dr Howard Williams looks at some of the diseases you avoid as soon as you stop smoking, and gives practical advice on how to deal successfully with the most common problems of ' staying stopped ' in the long term.
Film editor JOHN KEENAN
For free Stop Pack, send your name and address on a postcard to: [address removed], or in Scotland: [address removed]
(So You Want to Stop Smoking is repeated tomorrow at 11.5 pm)