Hymn, 'I've found a Friend; O such a Friend! '
(Methodist Hymn Book, 380)
'And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the Wilderness'
'God so loved the world'
Soloist, Mr. W. B. Frankish
Address by the Rev. J. W. Lightley, M.A., B.D., D.Litt., President of the Conference
Hymn, 'Abide among us with Thy grace'
(Methodist Hymn Book, 717)
Concluding Prayer Benediction
The first Sunday in September is of special interest to Wesleyan Methodists, for it marks the beginning of their new Church Year. On that Sunday every minister who has removed to a new charge stands in the strange pulpit for the first time officially, at any rate - and gives his message to an expectant people; while the newly installed President of the Conference occupies John Wesley's pulpit in Wesley's Chapel in the City Road, which John Wesley opened a hundred and fifty years ago. For the last two years, moreover, the President has been able, by means of the microphone, to address the Church at large, speaking, of course, not only to Methodists, but also to the thousands of those who are glad to join in the regular Sunday evening broadcast services. This year, the Rev. Dr. J.W. Lightley will, after the ordinary evening service, conduct the broadcast service, and give an address.
The original arrangement to broadcast this evening the service from Whitefield's Central Mission has been altered, by the courtesy of the Rev. A.D. Belden, D.D., its Superintendent, whose address is now to be relayed on December 30.